I think there is a huge difference between advertising and propoganda. While yes, they are both attempting to persuade, I think the main difference lies in the audience.
Advertising is so succesful because it has relied on a the exact science of breaking its audiences into tiny groups. Black, White, Lation. Age 20-25. Age 40-45. Generation X, Y, Z. Male. Female. Income levels. Interest groups. The combonations are practically infinite. Yet advertising broke the code. Each advertisement you see has made an exact combonation of these, trageting a direct group.
With Propaganda, there are no demographics. When a propganda message goes out, there is no care for who sees it. They are trying to persuade everyone. Lets turn to the ever overused example of Nazi Propganda. When they created the posters, there only dempgraphic was non-jews. They were trying to persuade EVERYONE to believe in their party.
Propaganda also distorts facts. Now while advertising does this to some extint, there are government groups whose main task is to shut down people who make these false facts in advertising.
I think that the intent is what really seperates the two. People can lambaste advertising all they want, but I truly don't think it has any curel intentions.
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