Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Trip to the Moon and Why I Hate Instagram

Melies' Le Voyage dans la lune is absolutely stunning. Though I've seen the iconic moon face-shot before, I have not seen the film in it's entirety.

Each scene is full of spelendor and detail, which is what I imagine Melies became famous for. His use of the magical and beautiful is something that to this day, is still stunning.

I also found it interesting how each scene is so long. I imagine this is because it is a silent film, you need lenghter scenes so as to ensure each audience memember understand fully what is occuring. I also think in the case of Melies, the scene length serves as a way to ensure that every detail is seen. He sets it all up so it almost becomes a piece of artwork, so I feel that the length is a way to have peopl relish in those details. In particular, the shot of them standing on the moon is somehow both cheesy, and beautiful.

The wa Melies made his sets dynamic is also remarkable given the time. 

As a lover of sci-fi films, I love seeing where it all began. I think Melies was almost ahead of his time, but I'm glad people of the time appreciated the Magic Melies.

I'd also like to take a second to talk about photography and Muybridge

Muybridge has always been a favorite of mine. Muybridge motion studies turn into beautiful pieces of art.

Photography has always been a hobby of mine, though I am a die-hard film enthusiast. I had a mourning period when Polariod was discontinued, and will have yet another when film is killed. I personally hate instagram. While anyone can use it to take pictures of their feet or what they had for breakfast, it does not have the same soul as film. The effects you get will film are may be able to be duplicated visually, but instagram just feels souless to me. 

People will argue that instagram allows anyone to become a photographer. Well, in my opinion, anyone can become a photographer whether they had instagram or not. VIVA LA FILM!!!

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