Monday, September 24, 2012

Skeleton Dance + Napoleon

While I couldn't find any music videos that used "The Skeleton Dance," I did find a few omages in film history.
One specificially is the scene from The Corpse Bride (awful movie) but it definetly uses some of the same coreograhpy, particularly when the skeleton is drumming on the others spine. (1:33)

I have definetly noticed this video being used in more and more pop culture, or at least more people seem to know about it. It has gained notice once more on popular sites such as Tumblr, where I find at least one gif a day of The Skeleton Dance (see first picture)

While I have never seen Abel Gance's Napoleon, it is certainly one I have heard of. It is refered to as timeless and is part of the Criterion Collection. In my research, I found that is is mainly the inovative cinemotograhy that makes it such an important film. Gance apparently used close-ups, multipile camera exposure, and unqiue editing styles for this film. He also used underwater cameras and split screen. Most of these styles had not been used previously, and these techniques created the sort of "epic" film we may see nowadays. More immediately, he inspired French New Wave film makers, who also used experimental cinematograhpy methods for their films

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