Tuesday, September 25, 2012


 "Kane was a man who got everything he wanted, and then lost it. Maybe Rosebud was something he couldn't get, or something he lost."

CITIZEN KANE! Even if you live in some far off land, disconnected from Internet and TV, you have probably heard of Citizen Kane. And you probably also know about the infamous mystery word "Rosebud" To truly understand what "rosebud" means, I recommend watching the film. But, I will try to give a taste for what it means, and to the best of my ability, explain it's meaning.

The movie opens on Xanadu, Charles Kane's sprawling estate, and a lone-lit window. As we cross the estate, we see a snow globe, held by Kane. Kane whispers "rosebud," the snow globe hits the floor and shatters. The meaning behind his last word become a media sensation, and people begin scrambling to solve the mystery. The media look to his private life and childhood to find the answer.

It is discovered the Kane had a tumultuous and underprivileged childhood. However, when gold was discovered on the family property, Kane was shipped to the east coast by his mother to begin schooling. Kane had no contact with the family's suddenly-acquired wealth, until he became 25. After this, he entered the newspaper company, becoming a writer of "yellow journalism" for the New York Inquirer. He eventually seizes control of the newspaper. His reign, however, is hardly positive, and we see that his means were hardly pure on his rise to the top.

He eventually runs for mayor of New York, and becomes married to Emily. Slowly, his marriage begins to disintegrate. He begins an affair with a woman named Susan. The affair is soon discovered by his wife, but also his political opponent. The affair is leaked, ruining his campaign and his marriage. His marriage to Susan is tumultuous as well, as Susan attempts suicide, unable to cope with Kane's controlling ways. The rocky marriage ends when Susan finally decides to leave Kane. Kane is left alone  on his sprawling estate, and stays this way until his death.

At the end of the film, it is declared that the mystery of "Rosebud" will never be solved. However, it is revealed to only the audience that Rosebud was the name of the sled he played with as a child, and it becomes clear to the audience that this was the only time in his life during which he was completely happy. The sled is sadly burned along with the rest of Kane's belongings.

A heartbreaking ending to a heartbreaking life. Kane lived a life full of turmoil and loneliness. The moral is simple -- power and possession does not lead to happiness. Kane spent his whole life attempting to collect wealth and power, though it never quite filled the void in Kane's soul.

I think the power of Citizen Kane, visually, is how Wells forces your eye toward the back of the scenes. There are layers in each shot, be it the lit window that makes you look to the very edge of the scene or a boy outside the window.

Cinematography porn:

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